Client: LinkedIn

Agency: fischerAppelt

Year: 2021

DIR: Fabian Carl

DOP: Jan Linnartz

Production: IVORY

For the LinkedIn Reverse Mentoring project, we flipped the traditional mentorship model by pairing young talents with experienced executives. These young mentors provided insights and perspectives on Gen Z’s viewpoint to seasoned leaders, including notable figures like Nils Glagau from Orthomol, Saruul Krause-Jentsch from Spotify, Michael Trautmann, founder of thjnk, Barbara Wittmann, Cawa Younosi, Marcus Diekmann, Frederik Pferdt, Alexander Kühnen from the Bahlsen Group, Alexandra Kolleth, Annahita Esmailzadeh from Microsoft, Tijen Onaran, and Lea-Sophie Cramer. The filming took place across various German cities including Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin, Bochum, and others, capturing the essence of this innovative mentorship exchange and highlighting the value of diverse generational insights in the professional world.